Sunday, September 4, 2011

Treats You Can't Eat... and Some You Can

I bought a Groupon a while ago for $30 worth of baking supplies for $15 at a local cake/baking supply store.

I finally got around to making my way over there and bought some awesome little treats for my already-bursting-at-the-seams kitchen.


I own cooling racks now!

For as much as I bake, it's a travesty that I did not own cooling racks earlier.

I was literally having to get out every plate in the house in order to have a place to put cookies so I could continue baking the rest of the batch.

And the cookie cutters are so cute! I can't wait to break them out around the holidays. :)

And while I don't have proper cake pans for making a stacked cake, I am so excited to make something beautiful with these fondant molds!

I love Indian/Henna-inspired scrollwork and these fit the bill perfectly.

I actually got a second Groupon for the same deal - I just couldn't use both on the same day.

I plan on going back and getting a cute cupcake set with matching liners and picks - they have an adorable French-themed set.

I might even get some fondant and try my hand at making a professional-looking cake!

The boyfriend and I also had our first shopping trip to Costco.

He used to go with his family all the time, but I had never been.

Holy ---!

It was craziness!

People everywhere - bulk everything, and I mean everything.

It was an experience unlike any other.

We got a little overexcited on our first trip and ended up spending a month's worth of grocery money all in one go - though we definitely got a lot.

We had to get really creative when it came to fitting everything in the freezer.

This is the first time since we've moved into our new place that our freezer has actually been full.

And this is only the frozen/refrigerated items.

We also have a 10 lb bag of yellow onions stashed away, an obscene assortment of bread products, and a rather stuffed pantry.

Hopefully buying in bulk at Costco will let us grocery shop less - especially considering we were spending more.

Bon appétit,


1 comment:

  1. Love the gingerbread men. Too cute. And, I'm all about bulk stores like Costco and Sams. 5lb buckets of mayo? Why the hell not?
